Monday, February 9, 2009

Personality Traits

ok, comment on that last blog. Rachael isn't really swearing, she pronounces milk as "mit" and chocolate as "dam" so, the two combined just sound like she's swearing. mike wanted that clarified.

anyway, rachael and andrew each have very strong personalities, which lend themselves to many humorous stories. one thing that andrew likes to do is give explanations as to how the world works. for example, he likes to explain how "the clouds sit on the mountains and the mountains bake the water to make snow and then the snow falls out of the clouds after it is done baking." if you try to tell him that snow is actually frozen water, not baked, he vehemently tells you, "no, you're making a mistake. the mountains bake the snow in the clouds and that makes the snow fall. you're saying it wrong!"

rachael is much more of a coniver. she will say whatever is necessary to get what she wants. this lands her in time-out alot and i have found myself trying to explain truth and lies to a child who's not even 2. for example, i occasionally sleep in on sat mornings because the busy, exhausting week catches up to me. mike takes care of the kids' immediate needs, then goes downstairs to work, leaving the kids in front of sat morning cartoons. rachael hates this and is always banging on my door asking for more juice. when i ignore her, she reverts to her tactics of finding something more urgent. invariably, she tries a nice fake cry that i ignore then she starts complaining of a poopy diaper. once i'm up to change her diaper, she runs away because she doesn't want a diaper change, nor does she need one. she just wants me up to get her more juice.

i have stories like these almost daily and will try to post them to remember them and give the "mother's curse" to my children. hahaha

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