Thursday, June 18, 2009

So, Who's Winning?

Rachael is a very smart, and very strong-willed little girl. Once she gets an idea in her head, that is the end of the discussion nothing will distract her. The past few days have really demonstrated this for me.

If some dishes fall on the floor, she is determined to "help clean up" by putting them away. If I take them away because they are dirty, a tantrum ensues. Once she has decided she wants something, be it candy or a certain toy, that is the end of the story. No distraction technique or offering a choice of alternatives will satisfy her - either she gets exactly what she wants or she will throw a tantrum. Bed time is the worst. She loves the routine of reading stories, singing songs and saying prayers. But, when it's time to actually go to bed, it's a tantrum.

So, who's winning the proverbial parent/child struggle? It depends on how you keep score. Her initial response to me is, "no thanks, mommy", the tantrum comes after I have exerted my authority. But, hey, at least I've taught her to be polite in her disobedience, that has to count for something... right?


  1. You are SO winning. You are the consistent mommy I know and your kids will thank you for it someday! It must help that Rachel is so darn cute. PS - I have Andrew's toy.

  2. Thanks, Olivia. I often think you give me more credit than I deserve. Rachael being cute actually makes it more difficult because she knows how to turn on the charm to get what she wants - the little manipulator. Thanks about the toy, I'll get it from you the next time the kids play together.
