Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Money by Andrew

Andrew and I had an enlightening conversation about money today. I grew up being told that "money doesn't grow on trees." Well, Andrew has his own version. For ease of writing, M is for mom and A is for Andrew.

A: "Mom, we need to get more money to go for tumbling and swimming"
M: "umm, ok" chuckle, chuckle
A: "Why is that funny, mommy?"
M: "Because, Andrew, it is hard to get more money."
A: "Oh, well, we just need to go to the money store."
M: "What money store? There is no money store."
A: "They just have to take down the old building and build a new building for the money store."
M: "And does the money store give you money or take your money"
A: "They give you money."
M: "Oh, where do they get the money that they give you?"
A: "They sell it to you."
M: "They sell you money? What do you give them for the money?"
A: "You give them your old money and they give you the new money."
M: "Oh.... ok."
A: "Then we can have lots of money to go tumbling and swimming."

Ahh, if it were truly that simple!

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