Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mother's Day

I have been plagued by migraines since I was 6yrs old. At their worst, I was getting about 2/wk with a constant chronic headache anytime I was awake. We finally figured out what was wrong and since I've been on medication, I get them rarely. However, certain things will still set them off.

Mother's day for me started out very calm and relaxing - just as it should be. Mike helped get the kids dressed for church as I lolly-gagged all morning. Church was enjoyable, until it came to nurse Lizzie. Our church building is kinda old and the mother's room is rather small with a very high ceiling. There is a fluorescent light at the top and a ceiling fan under the light. They are controlled by the same switch. This wreaked havoc with me as the fan turning causes a slight strobe-light-like effect. Strobe lights give me nausea and migraines. I tried to just keep my eyes shut while I was nursing, but the strobe-throbbing was too intense and by the time I left the mother's room I was quite sick and desperate to get home. I made it through the last hour of church (Mike and I are Primary teachers together).

This is where the true gift of Mother's day came for me. I slept for 4hrs, Mike took care of everything. I woke up, still feeling sick and with a migraine. Mike made a fabulous steak dinner for me (I was hoping some iron/protein would help) and did all the clean-up. I crashed back in bed, still completely debilitated. By now my vision was mostly gone as well as my speech and I was just trying not to throw-up.

The kids were quiet, knowing that "mommy has a headache" and Mike got them to bed and the house picked-up (no small feat). I finally had to take some drugs around midnight. The whole time, Mike was nothing but loving and concerned.

It is quite humbling to be debilitated by such a small thing as a fan set under a light. What a blessing to have a husband who can take care of everything when my body fails me!

It wasn't exactly a typical "perfect" mother's day, but it reminded me how truly blessed I am.

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